Stein Streak 2, 4, 6 miles

4th Annual
Game On!
Stein Streak

Benefiting the Roanoke Lions Club

Start/Finish near
Roanoke Post Office
on 1st Street

Sat. Sept. 13, 2025
10:30 A.M. Start
Staggered Start times


Ages 5 to 20 (all distances)
    Enter by Aug 17 - $ 15
  ADD Race Shirt +$ 10

    Bib & Timing, Lite Refreshment
    Enter After Aug 17 - $ 20
    Bib & Timing, Lite Refreshment
Ages 21+ (all distances)
    Enter by Aug 17 - $ 30
    12 oz. of Cold Beer, Official Race Shirt,Bib & Timing
    Enter After Aug 17 - $ 35    
    12 oz. of Cold Beer, Bib, Timing & Official Race Shirt
(as supplies last)

Shirts will only be guaranteed to registered and paid participants before August 17th based on the race options selected.

Early Packet Pickup for pre-registered participants and on-site registration available the Friday before the race at the
Game On! Virtual Sports Lounge - 141 S High Street, Roanoke, IN 46783 from 6 PM until 7 PM.

Join the party!


Complete the online registration form and use PayPal secure payment (No account required). Online Registration ends the Wednesday before the race at 9 PM. $ 1.50 will be added for online processing.

Thank You!

Course Maps

Race Information

  • Chip timing for each participant.
  • The event will be held rain or shine.
  • Race offers a discounted entry fee if paid by August 17th.
    After August 17th and until online registration closes on September 11th at 8 PM, the entry fee will be increased as noted.
  • In person the Friday before the race and on race day, entry will be accepted with exact cash.
  • Entry will be closed at 10:00 A.M. on the day of the race.
  • There will be NO entry fee refunds.
  • A fee of $35 will be charged for all returned checks.
  • Race registration will close once the maximum field is reached, regardless of the date.
  • Registrations are NOT accepted by phone or by fax.
  • Only one participant per entry form. The entry form may be photocopied.
  • Waiver MUST be signed in order to process the entry form.
  • All participants MUST finish within the time limit established for each event.

General Information

Course Regulations

The Stein Streak race officials have the right to disqualify or remove any participant from the course whose activity violates any condition set forth or who poses any potential harm to himself/herself or any other participant.

The following are strictly prohibited at all times by participants:
Bicycles (including hand crank bicycles)
Motorized or gear driven vehicles of any kind
Skateboards or similar

All participants are required to wear the bib number that has been assigned to them. Participants without a visible bib number will be removed from the course.

Course Time Limit

The 6 mile time limit is 2 hours. The 2 & 4 mile time limit is 1 hour 30 minutes.
6 miles = 9.66k   4 miles = 6.44k  2 miles = 3.22k

Headphones and Ipods

The Stein Streak race officials ask that participants do not wear headphones, ipods or similiar devices in the interest of safety. In case of an emergency, race officials will need to communicate with participants.


Chip timing will be used for each participant. A clock display will also be available for spectators.


To 141 S High Street, Roanoke, IN 46783:
Interstate 69 North or South then West on U.S. 24
Google Map Link


Free parking throughout the Town of Roanoke.

Age Groups



Please note: Overall Champion will not be the age group winner.
  • 21+ Age Groups Overall Women's and Men's 4 mile and 6 mile Champion - $40 Game On! Gift Card
  • 21+ Age Groups Women's and Men's 4 mile and 6 mile Champion First Place (Not Overall Winner) - Coming Soon
  • 5 to 20 Age Group Overall Women's and Men's 2 mile, 4 mile, and 6 mile Champion - $10 Moose & Mollies Gift Card

Race Sponsors


Be the Best!

Set the

course records

Records 2024 and After
Women's 2 Mile (2024)
Katie Jamison- 19:35

Women's 4 Mile (2024)
Jaclyn Kocher- 35:45

Women's 6 Mile (2024)
Brandy Walters- 59:40

   Men's 2 Mile (2024)
   Travis Ricker- 11:42

   Men's 4 Mile (2024)
   Chuck Putterbaugh- 47:28

   Men's 6 Mile (2024)
   Matthew Wilcox- 44:50

Records before 2024
Women's 2 Mile (2023)
Ashley Wilson- 16:43.1

Women's 4 Mile (2023)
Sheryle Braaten- 36:33.3

Women's 6 Mile (2023)
Melinda Webb- 59:32.4

   Men's 2 Mile (2023)
   Braxton Davis- 15:10.8

   Men's 4 Mile (2022)
   Craig Miller- 27:40.8

   Men's 6 Mile (2023)
   Jacob Van Brunt- 51:44.8